# What is iti?
“ITI” is an acronym that stands for “Industrial Training Institute.” ITIs are vocational education and training institutes in India, which provide training in various trades such as electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. They are run by the government and are intended to provide technical skills and knowledge to students to help them find jobs in various industries.
# How many types of iti courses?
There are many different types of ITI courses available in India. Some of the most common types of courses include:

- Engineering trades: These courses include mechanical, electrical, electronic, and civil engineering.
- Non-engineering trades: These courses include computer operator and programming assistant, secretarial practice, and stenography.
- Technical courses: These courses include welding, plumbing, refrigeration, and air-conditioning.
- Apprenticeship courses: These courses are for students who want to gain on-the-job training and experience.
- Short-term courses: These courses are designed for students who want to acquire a specific skill or knowledge in a short period of time.
- Advance-level courses: These courses are designed to provide advanced training to students who want to specialize in a particular field.
It’s worth noting that the availability of courses may vary depending on the location.
# Which iti trade is best
It depends on the individual’s skills, interests, and job opportunities in their area. Some popular ITI trades include computer repair, welding, electrical work, and automotive repair. It is recommended to research and speak with professionals in the field to determine which trade would be the best fit for you.
# ITI Best Trade Choice
The best ITI trade choice for an individual would depend on their personal interests, skills, and job opportunities in their area. Some popular ITI trades include:
- Electrician: Electricians install, maintain, and repair electrical systems, including wiring, circuits, and electrical equipment.
- Fitter: Fitters work on the installation, maintenance, and repair of industrial types of machinery, such as lathes, milling machines, and drilling machines.
- Welder: Welders join metal parts together using various welding techniques, such as gas tungsten arc welding, gas metal arc welding, and shielded metal arc welding.
- Carpenter: Carpenters construct and repair structures made of wood and other materials.
- Diesel Mechanic: Diesel mechanics maintain and repair diesel engines and equipment, such as trucks and buses.
- Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance: Computer hardware and network maintenance technicians install, maintain, and repair computer hardware and networks.
It is important to research and speaks with professionals in the field to determine which trade would be the best fit for you.
# when iti completed what i can do
After completing an ITI program, there are several options for individuals to pursue:
- Entry-level employment: ITI graduates can find entry-level employment in their field of study.
- Apprenticeship: ITI graduates can also pursue apprenticeships to gain more hands-on experience and further training in their trade.
- Higher education: ITI graduates can continue their education by pursuing a diploma or degree in their field of study.
- Self-Employment: ITI graduates can also start their own business in their trade, for example, starting a welding, carpenter, or electrical service company.
It is important to research the job market and opportunities in your area and to network with professionals in your field. This can help you to determine which path is best for you, and to gain the necessary knowledge and experience to advance in your chosen career.