iti electrician 1st year mcq in English | part-02

ITI Electrician 1st year mcq in English

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iti electrician 1st year mcq in English

26 – What is the Electro Chemical Equivalent (ECE) of silver?
(a) 0.001182 mg/coulomb
(b) 0.01182 mg/coulomb
(c) 0.1182 mg/coulomb
(d) 1.1182 mg/coulomb

Answer – d

27 – What is the outcome of the chemical reaction that takes place in negative plate of lead acid battery during discharging?
(a) Sponge lead(Pb)
(b) Lead peroxide(PbO2)
(c) Lead sulphate(PbSO4)
(d) Lead sulphate + water

Answer – c

28 – What is the purpose of separator in lead acid battery?
(a) To provide a path for electrolyte
(b) To hold the positive and negative plate firmly
(c) To avoid short in between the positive and negative plates
(d) To keep positive and negative plate in a sequence array

Answer – c

29 – Which instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of electrolyte in lead acid battery?
(a) Barometer
(b) Hydrometer
(c) Anima meter
(d) High rate discharge tester

Answer – a

30 – Which type of inverter circuit?

iti electrician 1st year mcq in English

(a) Driven inverter
(b) SCR used inverter
(c) Single transistor inverter
(d) Two winding transformer inverter

Answer – a

31 – What is the effect of buckling defect in a lead acid battery?
(a) Bending of the electrodes
(b) Reducing the strength of electrolyte
(c) Making short between the electrodes
(d) Increasing the internal resistance

Answer – a

32 – What is the total output voltage of the circuit?

iti electrician 1st year mcq in English

(a) 0 V
(b) 1.5 V
(c) 3.0 V
(d) 4.5 V

Answer – d

33 – Which is used as a positive electrode in a dry cell?
(a) Zinc
(b) Carbon
(c) Copper
(d) Lithium

Answer – b

34 – What happen to the terminal voltage of a cell if load increases?
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Falls to zero
(d) Remains same

Answer – b

35 – How local action defect is prevented in voltaic cell?
(a) By connecting cells in series
(b) By using a depolarizing agent
(c) By connecting cells in parallel
(d) By amalgamating the zinc plate

Answer – d

36 – What does the letter Z indicate in the formula M=Z/it
(a) Time in seconds
(b) E.C.E of electrolyte
(c) Amount of current in Amp
(d) Mass deposited in grams

Answer – b

37 – What is the Electro Chemical Equivalent (ECE) of copper?
(a) 0.329 mg / coulomb
(b) 0.329 g/ coulomb
(c) 1.1182 mg / coulomb
(d) 1.1182 g/ coulomb

Answer – a

38 – Which is the cause for buckling defect in lead acid battery?
(a) Overcharging or over discharging
(b) Charging with low rate for short period
(c) Formation of sediments falling from the plate
(d) Battery is kept in discharged condition for long period

Answer – a

39 – Which apparatus is used to check the charging condition of voltage in battery?
(a) Voltmeter
(c) Hydrometer
(d) High rate discharge tester

Answer – d

40 – Which part is losing electron during electrolysis?
(a) Cathode
(b) Anode
(c) Electrolyte
(d) Seperator

Answer – b

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