ITI Electrician Objective Question Answer in English 2025

ITI Electrician Objective Question Answer in English 2025

हेलो दोस्तों, में जानता हूँ की आप सभी को Electrician MCQ या बहुविकल्पि प्रशन की आवश्यकता होती है। इसलिए मै आप सभी के लिए ITI Question Bank पैटर्न पर आधारित Electrician 1st Year’sand 2nd year’s का MCQ Question and Answer’s दिए गए हैं। ये Question’s आईटीआई के Exam में 100% पूछे जाते हैं।

अगर आप इलेक्ट्रीशियन तथा वायरमैन से आईटीआई क्र रहे है तो यह ऐप जरूर इंस्टॉल करे।
ITI Electrician तथा Wireman Trade के महत्वपूर्ण नोट्स तथा प्रशनोत्तर समावेश किया गया है यह आप को न सिर्फ एग्जाम में बल्कि प्रतियोगीता जैसे :- Technician railway , SSC ,UPSC ,UPPRB , RSCB etc. जैसे एग्जाम में पूछे जाते है।

Q.1 In case of a D.C shunt motor under no load condition the air gap flux
A) keeps varying.
B) increases.
C) remains constant.
D) decreases.

In shunt motor,
Ish = V / Rsh.
If V is constant Ish will also be a constant. Hence the flux is constant

Q.2 The high torque by weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates
A) high friction loss.
B) fast response.
C) slow response.
D) none of above.

Ans: B
The high torque by weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates always fast response

Q.3 PMMC voltmeter is connected across a series combination of a DC voltage source V1 = 2 V and AC voltage source V2(t) = 3sin(4t) V. The meter reads
A) 5 V.
B) 2 V.
C) 7 V.
D) √(17).

PMMC instrument works only when electric current in the circuit is passed in a definite direction i.e. for dc electric current only.

Total voltage across PMMC,
Vt = V1+ V2 = 2 + 3sin(4t) V,

PMMC reads average value.

Average value of V1 is 2 V.

Average value of V2 is 0 V.

So Average value of Vt = 2 V,

So PMMC reads 2 V.

Q.4 A moving coil ammeter has full scale deflection of 50 μ. A and coil of resistance 1000 ohms the value of shunt resistance to extend the range to 1 A is __ ohms.
A) 7.
B) 2.5.
C) 0.05.
D) can’t be found.


Rs = Im × Rm / I – Im
I = max. value of amps.
After shunting, Im = full scale deflection of meter,

Rm = meter resistance, and
Rs = shunt resistance to be connected to extend the rang.
Rs = 1 / 1 – 50 × 10-6 × 1000
= 0.05 ohms.

Q.5 The high torque by weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates
A) high friction loss.
B) fast response.
C) slow response.
D) none of above.

Ans: B
The high torque by weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates always fast response.

Q.6 A moving coil ammeter has full scale deflection of 50 μ. A and coil of resistance 1000 ohms the value of shunt resistance to extend the range to 1 A is __ ohms.
A) 7.
B) 2.5.
C) 0.05.
D) can’t be found.


Rs = Im × Rm / I – Im
I = max. value of amps.
After shunting, Im = full scale deflection of meter,

Rm = meter resistance, and
Rs = shunt resistance to be connected to extend the rang.
Rs = 1 / 1 – 50 × 10-6 × 1000
= 0.05 ohms.

Q.7 Which method is suitable for the measurement of resistivity of good conductors of electricity ?
A) Loss of charge method.
B) Kelvin double bridge method.
C) Schering bridge method.
D) Any of the above.

Kelvin double bridge method is suitable for the measurement of resistivity of good conductors of electricity. It is used to measure an unknown electrical resistance below 1 ohm i.e. low resistances.

Q.8 The bridge method is used for finding mutual inductor is
A) Schering bridge.
B) Heaviside Campbell bridge.
C) De Saulty bridge.
D) Wine’s bridge.

Heaviside Campbell bridge is used for finding out mutual inductance.

Q.9 Electrics supply for electroplating should be
A) low ac voltage.
B) low frequency ac voltage.
C) dc voltage.
D) any of above.

Ans: C
In an electroplating process, when the more electrons flow into the piece, the metal particles in the object are removed from it. This operation happens by giving the positive direction of the power supply through the anode and cathode plates. Then, when the electrons are removed from the piece, the dissolved metal particle in the electrolyte sticks into the working piece. This operation happens by giving the negative direction of the power supply through the anode and cathode plates. Thus, we need the constant single direction power supply at a time to do the above two operation. That is why the DC power supply used in electroplating applications.

Q.10 Negative electrode or anode of simple voltaic cell is made of
A) copper.
B) zinc.
C) lead.
D) carbon


In Voltaic battery cell, zinc atoms in contact with dilute sulfuric acid give up electrons and forms Zn++ ions which pass into the electrolyte. As a result zinc electrodes get high concentration of electrons and it get negatively charged. Hence this zinc electrode acts as negative electrode or anode.

Q.11 Three element having conductance G1, G2 and G3 are connected in parallel. Their combined conductance will be
A) (G1 + G2 + G3) – 1.
B) G1 + G2 + G3.
C) 1/G1 + 1/G2 + 1/G3.
D) (1/G1 + 1/G2 + 1/G3)- 1.


We know that conductance is reciprocal of resistance i.e. resistance = 1 / conductance . Let’s resistances of the said conductors are R1, R2 and R3

hence, G1 = 1/R1, G2 = 1/R2and G3 = 1/R3.
The resistance of their parallel combination will be
(1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3) – 1 = (G1 + G2 + G3) – 1 .

Therefore, conductance of the combination will be
G1 + G2 + G3.

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Q.12 What is called a cycle in case of AC operation ?

A) When ac completes the (+)ve half, is called a cycle.
B) When ac goes through a complete (+)ve (-)ve, is called a cycle.
C) When an alternating quantity completes the (–)ve cycle, is called a cycle.
D) Option A & C Both.

The alternating current changes its magnitude from one instant to another instant continuously with respect to the time interval. Basically the cycle in an alternating current is known as the path of the one half of the positive magnitude and one half of the negative magnitude that starts from the starting point and ends on the ending point.

Q.13 In case of a D.C shunt motor under no load condition the air gap flux
A) keeps varying.
B) increases.
C) remains constant.
D) decreases.

In shunt motor,
Ish = V / Rsh.
If V is constant Ish will also be a constant. Hence the flux is constant.

Q.14 CRO का पूरा नाम –

(A) Carbon Ray Oscilloscope
(B) Carbon Resistant Operater
(C) Cathode Resistant Oscilloscope
(D) Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Ans : Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Q.15 Which of the following material has nearly zero temperature co-efficient of resistance ?
A) copper
B) carbon
C) porcelain
D) manganin.

In manganin, there is no change in resistance with the change in temperature. Hence, it has nearly zero temperature co-efficient of resistance.

Q.16 The insulation resistance of a cable of 10 km is 1 MΩ. For a length of 100 km of the same cable, the insulation resistance will be
A) 1 MΩ.
B) 0.1 MΩ.
C) 10 MΩ.
D) 0.01 MΩ.

Ans: B
Conductor resistance is directly proportional to length. But insulation resistance is the resistance to the flow of leakage electric current to ground. Since the flow of leakage electric current is directly proportional to the length of the conductor as because with length conductor inner and outer surface are of the insulation layer of the conductor increases. So insulation resistance is inversely proportional to the length of conductor.

Q.17 What is the dielectric material used in precision small value capacitor and capacitor used in radio frequency circuits?

A) Oil impregnated paper.
B) Glass.
C) Vacuum ,air.
D) Titanium oxide.

Except the vacuum and air, the above all dielectric materials are used in high value capacitors. But, the precision small value capacitor and the capacitor used in radio frequency circuits are required less value of capacitor. So, in those capacitors, vacuum and air are used as a dielectric medium.

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