ITI COPA mcq paper 1st year 2025
This bank of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) focuses on all core areas of Computer Science, Software/Computer Engineering and Information Technology.
ITI COPA mcq paper 1st year 2025
COPA 1st Year Part – 04
Objective Question & Answer :-
1- Which group includes superscript, subscript, strike through options in MS Word?
(a) Clipboard
(b) Font
(c) Paragraph
(d) Style
Answer- B
2- What is the purpose of quick access toolbar?
(a) To hold advance function
(b) To hold special function
(c) To hold basic function
(d) To hold familiar and repeated function
3- What is the purpose of gutter margin?
(a) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
(b) Margin that is added to the right margin when printing
(c) Margin that is added to binding side of page when printing
(d) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
4- What in the purpose of ⌧ button?
(a) Close button
(b) Office button
(c) Maximize buttons
(d) Minimize button
5- What is the purpose of zoom option?
(a) Enlarge and reduce document / text size
(b) Move up and down document / picture
(c) Scroll left and light document / picture
(d) Minimize and maximize the document / picture
6- Which option is used for tab setting?
(a) horizontal ruler
(b) status bar
(c) vertical ruler
(d) vertical scroll bar
7- What in the purpose of vertical scroll bar?
(a) Move the document up and down
(b) Move the document left side
(c) Move the document right side
(d) Move the document only upwards
8- What in the purpose of undo action in MS Word?
(a) Restore previous action
(b) Get the current action
(c) Goes to previous page
(d) Goes to previous paragraph
9- Which option is used to activate and deactivate ruler?
(a) View → grids
(b) View → ruler
(c) Insert → tool bar
(d) Insert → ruler
10- What is the purpose of cover page?
(a) Allows to fill title, author, date and other information
(b) Fills the list of people intent to mail
(c) To view the mailed list
(d) Contains details of the documents
11- Which menu contains, Symbol option in MS Word?
(a) tools
(b) table
(c) format
(d) insert
12- Which operation is to be performed before paste?
(a) Ctrl + V
(b) Cut / copy
(c) Select all
(d) Select text
13- Which option is used to locate any specific character, symbols or formulas in a document?
(a) Find
(b) Searching text
(c) Replace
(d) Selecting text
14- Which feature is used to create a newspaper type document?
(a) Tables
(b) Tab stops
(c) Columns
(d) Bullets and numbering
15- Which sequence of operation is required to insert bullets for list of data?
(a) Paragraph group → numbering button →select any number type
(b) Paragraph group → number button → select none
(c) Paragraph group → bullet button → type of bullets
(d) Paragraph group → bullet button → select none
16- Which sequence of operation is required to remove numbering from a list of data?
(a) Number button → select none from number type
(b) Number button → select number from number list
(c) Bullet button → select none from bullet type
(d) Bullet button → select bullets from bullets list
17- Which sequence of operation is required to remove tab stop markers from ruler?
(a) Drag the tab stop makers out of the ruler
(b) Double click the tab marker and clear all
(c) Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove
(d) Left click the tab stop marker and choose remove
18- Which feature is used to adjust the amount of space between words for alignment in MS Word?
(a) Spacing
(b) Scaling
(c) Justifying
(d) Positioning
19- Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in MS Word?
(a) Shift+F7
(b) Ctrl+F7
(c) Alt+F7
(d) Ctrl+Alt+F7
20- Where does the file name of the active document displays?
(a) title bar
(b) task bar
(c) menu bar
(d) status bar
21- How can we rectify the errors occurs while typing?
(a) Auto entry
(b) Auto add
(c) Auto spell
(d) Auto correct
Answer- D
22- Which sequence of operation is required to force page break in word document?
(a) by using insert / selection black on the insert tab
(b) by positioning the cursor at the appropriate place and press enter
(c) by positioning the cursor at the appropriate place and press F1 key
(d) by position the cursor at the apporpliate place and pressing ctrl + enter
Answer- D
23- What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document?
(a) To make the starting and ending page
(b) To entrance the appearance of the document
(c) To make larger document more readable
(d) To allow page headers and footer appear on the document
Answer- D
24- What is the purpose of word wrap?
(a) Aligning text with the right margin
(b) Inserting space between paragraphs
(c) Inserting space automatically between words
(d) Moving text automatically to the next line
Answer- A
25- What is purpose of thesaurus tool is MS Word?
(a) Grammar option
(b) Spelling suggestion
(c) Synonyms and antonyms words
(d) Auto correction
Answer- C
ITI COPA MCQ paper 1st year 2025