Employability skill MCQ question paper in English 2025 exam Test

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Employability skill mcq question paper in English
Employability skill mcq question paper in English

Employability Skill 2nd Year MCQ Question

Objective Question & Answer :-

1- What is the unemployment rate if there are 125 million people in the labor force, 100 million people employed and 25 million are not?
(a) 25%
(b) 20%
(c) 17%
(d) 15%

Ans : B

2- Which market determines the real wages and employment?
(a) Capital market
(b) Labour market
(c) Money market
(d) Goods market

Ans : B

3- Which one is used to measure the economic performance of a whole country or region?
(a) KYC
(b) GDP
(c) TFP
(d) ATM

Ans : B

4- Which one of the following is NOT a category of pure risk?
(a) Property risk
(b) Technology risk
(c) Liability risk
(d) Personnel risk

Ans : B

5- Which one of the following is NOT an objective of incentive?
(a) Improved quality
(b) High cost of production
(c) High output
(d) Reduced waste

Ans : B

6- Which one of these documents is NOT acceptable for fulfilment of KYC norms?
(a) Voter ID card
(b) Ration card
(c) Residential certificate
(d) Income certificate

Ans : D

7- Which stage is a period of rapid revenue growth?
(a) Growth stage
(b) Maturity stage
(c) Decline stage
(d) Introduction stage

Ans : A

8- ABC of first aid stands for __
(a) Airway, Bleeding and Circulation
(b) Airway, Breathing and Circulation
(c) Airway, Bleeding and Compression
(d) Airway, Breathing and Compression

Ans : B

9- At what decibels, sound becomes hazardous noise pollution?
(a) Above 30
(b) Above 80
(c) Above 100
(d) Above 120

Ans : B

10- Earthquake is measured with an instrument called __
(a) telegraph
(b) seismograph
(c) oscillograph
(d) bar graph

Ans : B

11- Head protection is done through _
(a) helmet
(b) goggles
(c) gloves
(d) mask

Ans : A

12- In firefighting method ‘Starvation’ is _
(a) limitation of oxygen
(b) pouring water
(c) elimination of fuel
(d) reduction of temperature

Ans : C

13- On the job injuries and illness, cost money time & effort. What is the most practical way to manage these losses?
(a) Make sure safety is part of labor contracts
(b) Aggressive claims handling
(c) Good insurance coverage
(d) Effective safety and loss control program

Ans : D

14- Ozone layer is made up of _
(a) one oxygen atom
(b) two oxygen atoms
(c) three oxygen atoms
(d) four oxygen atoms

Ans : C

15- The reprocessing of discarded materials into new useful products is called _
(a) reuse of waste material
(b) recycling of material
(c) management of solid waste
(d) reduction in use of raw material

Ans : B

Employability skill mcq question paper in English

16- The study of living things in relation to their environment is called ……………
(a) ecosystem
(b) economics
(c) ecology
(d) eclogue

Ans : C

17- The three R’s to save environment are ………………
(a) Reserve, Reduce, Recycle
(b) Reuse, Reserve, Reduce
(c) Reserve, Reuse, Reduce
(d) Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

Ans : D

18- Vibration and radiation comes under _
(a) chemical hazards
(b) physical hazards
(c) electrical hazards
(d) psychological hazards

Ans : B

19- Which one is a man induced hazards?
(a) Landslide
(b) Cyclone
(c) Volcano
(d) Earth quake

Ans : A

20- Which one is a non-renewable energy resource?
(a) Solar
(b) Coal
(c) Methane
(d) Hydroelectric

Ans : B

21- which one is an unsafe condition for work?
(a) Oily floor
(b) Good light
(c) Proper tools
(d) Adequate ventilation

Ans : A

22- which one is an unsafe condition for work?
(a) Good light
(b) Proper tools
(c) Adequate ventilation
(d) Which factor is NOT concerned with occupational health and safety?

Ans : A

23- Which one is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming?
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Carbon dioxide

Ans : D

24- Which one of the following is NOT an ergonomic hazard?
(a) Awkward position
(b) Poor housekeeping
(c) Emotional disturbances
(d) Wrong layout of machinery

Ans : C

25- Which one of the following is not part of 3 R’s?
(a) Reduce
(b) Recycle
(c) Regenerate
(d) Reuse

Ans : C

Employability skill mcq question paper in English

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