ITI Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

आईटीआई फिटर थ्योरी द्वितीय वर्ष निमी मॉक टेस्ट

(ITI Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test) आईटीआई फिटर थ्योरी द्वितीय वर्ष निमी मॉक टेस्ट

ITI Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test: फिटर ट्रेड के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न NCVT की ऑनलाइन कंप्यूटर आधारित (CBT Exam ) परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए ट्रेड फिटर के सभी विषयो के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर तैयार कर सकते है । ITI Fitter Theory 2nd year nimi mock test फिटर ट्रेड मॉक टेस्ट नवीनतम परीक्षा पद्धति पर आधारित है, टेस्ट देने के लिए अभ्यर्थी अपने वर्ष के अनुसार विषय का चुनाव कर सकते है । ITI Fitter Theory 2nd year nimi mock test

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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 01

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

Which cutting oil is used in automatic lathes?

2 / 15

Which type of clutch is used for machine tools to connect transmission gear box in driving motor?

3 / 15

Which cutting fluid is used for turning copper?

4 / 15

Which is the property of the oil catches fire and continues to be in flame?

5 / 15

Which type of lock washer used with flat or oval type head screw?

6 / 15

Which cutting fluid is used for heavy duty machine with less cutting speed?

7 / 15

Which cutting fluid is used for threading in general purpose steel?

8 / 15

What is the colour of soluble oil mixed with water?

9 / 15

Which coolant oil is emulsified with water?

10 / 15

What is the use of lubricant?

11 / 15

Which property states that the temperature of the lubricant is able to flow freely while poured?

12 / 15

Which system the wick feed lubrication is catagorized ?

13 / 15

What is the property of the lubricant that the vapour is given off from the oil?

14 / 15

How the low speed gear is lubricated?

15 / 15

What is the purpose of using lubricant?

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The average score is 38%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 02

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

What is the ratio of soluble oil added to water to get non corrosive effect?

2 / 15

What is the main advantage of toothed chain drive?

3 / 15

What is the flash point of general purpose machinery oil?

4 / 15

What is the property of lubricant that can with stand high pressure or load?

5 / 15

Which type of filter helps to protect the pump from fluid contaminations?

6 / 15

Which causes more than 90% of hydraulic system failure?

7 / 15

Which valve prevents the system pressure from rising too high if the pressure regulating valve fails?

8 / 15

What is the cause for oil flow under pressure while passing through the restricted passage?

9 / 15

What is the defect caused by inter locked air bubbles and pockets in the hydraulic pipe lines and components?

10 / 15

Which part of double acting cylinder prevents air leakage from cylinder to atmosphere?

11 / 15

Which device is used for handling and removing contamination from hydraulic oil?

12 / 15

Which property in hydraulic oil function is medium for heat transfer?

13 / 15

Which type of filter is used to remove ferrous materials from oil in hydraulic system?

14 / 15

Which energy is converted by hydro static pressure of the oil?

15 / 15

Where ram is used in hydraulic linear actuator?

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The average score is 35%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 03

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

Which parameter is specified to design hydromotor?

2 / 15

What is the volumetric efficiency of piston type motor?

3 / 15

What is the formula for the cylinder output force?

4 / 15

What is the unit of force in SI unit?

5 / 15

Which formula is used to calculate force?

6 / 15

What is the value of bar in metric unit of pressure?

7 / 15

Which term is a metric unit of pressure equal to 1,00,000 pascal?

8 / 15

What is the unit of pressure in SI unit?

9 / 15

Which formula is used to calculate the absolute pressure?

10 / 15

Which formula is used to calculate the pressure?

11 / 15

Which pressure value is read through pressure gauge?

12 / 15

Which gauge indicates pressure valve above the atmospheric pressure?

13 / 15

Which valve protect against excessive pressure in hydraulic system?

14 / 15

Which valve is used to permit fluid to flow in one direction and block the flow in oppsite direction?

15 / 15

Which valve is used for fine control of flow in pipe line?

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The average score is 51%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 04

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

Why in hydraulic pump the filter is installed in suction line?

2 / 15

Which valve has two inlet / one outlet in hydraulic / pneumatic system?

3 / 15

Which valve is used to permit fluid flow in one direction and block flow in opposite direction?

4 / 15

How hydraulic transmission force is controlled?

5 / 15

Which type of valve connections are opened or closed by means of spool slide?

6 / 15

Which energy is converted in hydraulic pump?

7 / 15

Which type of belt drive is used to obtain different speed ratio?

8 / 15

Which type of belt length cannot be altered and reused with fastner?

9 / 15

Which belt slip less in power transmission?

10 / 15

Which type of drive is used for shortest distance and for large amount of power transmission?

11 / 15

Where universal coupling used?

12 / 15

Where helical gears are used?

13 / 15

How the shifting of belt is enabled from fast to loose pulley?

14 / 15

Which metal is used to make head of a soldering iron?

15 / 15

Which gear is symetrical to each other and transmit motion at right angle?

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The average score is 47%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 05

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

Which chain drive provide noiseless and uniform drive?

2 / 15

Which drive is used for long distance and larger amount of power transmission?

3 / 15

Which coupling will have disengaging provision?

4 / 15

Which metal is extracted from cassterite ?

5 / 15

Why copper is extensively used in electrical cables and appliances?

6 / 15

Which metal is basically an alloy of copper and tin?

7 / 15

What is the percentage of copper in malachite ore?

8 / 15

What is the percentage composition of lead in lead bronze bearing material?

9 / 15

Which documentation record is used to know batch number, date of allocation, product identify and size of batch?

10 / 15

Which gear run more silently?

11 / 15

Which pulley can transmit the power to shaft different heights and at varying distance?

12 / 15

Which coupling provides rigid connection between two shafts?

13 / 15

Which power drive will transmit motion at constant velocity without creep and slippage?

14 / 15

What is the purpose of jockey pulley in belt drive?

15 / 15

Which metal used to make alligator type fastener?

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The average score is 41%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 06

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

What is the name of alloy consist copper and zinc?

2 / 15

Which ore is extraction of aluminium?

3 / 15

Which type of bronze metal has excellent antifriction properties?

4 / 15

Which type of brass sheet is used for deep drawing?

5 / 15

Which metal powder is used in calorising process to prevent corrosion of steel component?

6 / 15

What metal is used to make agricultural equipment like ploughs and blades?

7 / 15

What is the melting point of nickel?

8 / 15

Which metal alloys is used to make friction bearing?

9 / 15

What is the name of the metal extract from ore galena?

10 / 15

Why aluminium is used widely in aircraft industries?

11 / 15

Which are the alloys of brass metal?

12 / 15

What is the name of copper ore?

13 / 15

Which type of belt fastener used on heavy duty machine?

14 / 15

How to improve the gripping property of the dried belt?

15 / 15

What is the name of radial distance between the pitch circle and root circle in gears?

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The average score is 47%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 07

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

Which is the imaginary circle on two matting gears?

2 / 15

Which coupling is used in the place for slight relative movement is required?

3 / 15

Which graphical representation of the activities performed during manufacturing?

4 / 15

Why the face of pulley is “Crowned” in power transmission?

5 / 15

Why vertical belt drive is avoided in power transmission?

6 / 15

How to adjust the tension of belt between two fixed pulleys?

7 / 15

Why the small steel wedge is tapped under the machine in lifting operation?

8 / 15

Which type of belt is used if the distance between the shafts are too short?

9 / 15

Which type of gear drive changes rotary movement to linear movement?

10 / 15

Which type of belt drive, the driven shaft will rotate in opposite direction to driver shaft?

11 / 15

Which metal is used in the preparation of paint?

12 / 15

Which metal is extracted from bauxite ore?

13 / 15

What is the ratio of copper and zinc in “Muntz metal” ?

14 / 15

What is the name of metal alloy of lead, tin, copper and antimony?

15 / 15

Which ore produces lead metal?

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The average score is 58%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 08

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

What is the colour of the aluminium metal?

2 / 15

What is the purpose of drill bushes provided in the drill jig?

3 / 15

Why tenons are provided at the bottom of base plate of milling fixture?

4 / 15

Which part restrict incorrect loading of component in jig?

5 / 15

Which type of fixture provides an easy method of holding parts for machining?

6 / 15

Which device is used to hold, locate and not guide the cutting tool during machining operation?

7 / 15

Which bush is used to provide a hardened hole for renewable bushes?

8 / 15

What is the advantages of mass production?

9 / 15

Why two or four hold down slots are provided in the base plate of milling fixture?

10 / 15

Which device holds, supports, locates and also guide the cutting tool for operation?

11 / 15

Which type of jig is used for awkwardly shaped work piece to drill at different angles?

12 / 15

What is the purpose of setting blocks used in the fixture?

13 / 15

Which is the important factor to determine the construction of fixture?

14 / 15

Which type of fixture is used for machining on evenly spaced surfaces?

15 / 15

Why the balancing weight is provided in the turning fixture?

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The average score is 44%


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Fitter 2nd Year Mock Test

Fitter 2 Year Mock Test - 09

ITI Question Bank

1 / 15

What is the purpose of grooves provided in the ‘V’ blocks?

2 / 15

Which type of bush is used in jig to perform more than one operation in same location?

3 / 15

Which type of jig do not have base plate?

4 / 15

प्रभरण पम्प …………………………द्वारा चालित है।

5 / 15

डीजल इंजन में कम्प्रेशन के पश्चात् कम्बशन चैम्बर का तापक्रम कितना होता है?

6 / 15

चार सिलेण्डर डीजल इंजन का फायरिंग ऑर्डर है

7 / 15

डीजल इंजन में प्रायः कौन-सा पिस्टन प्रयोग किया जाता है?

8 / 15

ULSD का प्रयोग सर्वप्रथम किस कम्पनी ने किया था?

9 / 15

फ्यूल फीड पम्प चलता है

10 / 15

पम्प की घूर्णन गति को कौन-सा सेन्सर मॉनीटर करता है?

11 / 15

निम्न में से कौन EDU की आउटपुट युक्ति है?

12 / 15

निम्न में से कौन EDC का अवयव है?

13 / 15

पम्प ईंधन की रैक स्थिति का मापन किस सेन्सर द्वारा किया जाता है

14 / 15

सॉलिड इंजेक्शन का प्रकार है

15 / 15

निम्न में से HEUI सिस्टम का अवयव है

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The average score is 26%


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